
Heal My Energy Space

    What is your energy? Right Now?  Close your eyes, create a clear bubble, allow it to fill with a color that represents your energy.  What color do you see? Red? What does it mean to you? Anger? Love? Someone in your energy space in an emotion?  Green? Some money coming you way? Nature fueling your body? Need a Salad? Yellow? Are you full of joy or experiencing the vibrations of another's joy? Blue? Are you sad? Feeling another's sadness?  Brown? Are you in trouble? Experiencing the troubles of others? Orange? Got some sex energy working? Getting Drained?  Art By Spirit Artist Andrea Piedmonte of Lily Dale Ny These are just examples, a color can hold a plethora of energies, so just ask what you are seeing means and notice any images surfacing that tell you.  Maybe you love the energy you are in right now. Then you are all good and don't need to do anything but sit in your good vibrations and enjoy your day. If you are not in a good energy space, open a point of release a